Adopt an Olive Tree


Our olive trees, our lands are the cradle of our culture, they are the living libraries of our history, of our PUGLIA. They have accompanied countless generations in their growth, they are our fathers and grandfathers, and as good fathers and grandfathers for hundreds of years they have taken care of us, they have given us sustenance, they have given us life. And this is why now, we at the Sabino Leone company with this project "Adopt an olive tree" want to allow all lovers of nature and rural life to get closer to our olive trees and take care of them. Ours is an initiative aimed at protecting the plants by cultivating them with healthy methods, preserving them from intensive logics aimed at achieving economies of scale. By taking part in our project you will preserve a tree by actively participating in its growth, in its life, you will take care of it and with it you will buy its fruits, you will give a name to your tree and you will taste an extra virgin olive oil that is the pride of our company. Adopt / Give

How It Works

When you adopt an Olive Tree, farmers will share their work : wherever you are, you can monitor the cultivation from your account. When your Olive Tree is ready, you decide where and when to receive your Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


Adopt or give an olive tree directly from our estates.


Monitor the cultivation and growth of your Olive trees, wherever you are.


Receive the extra virgin olive oil produced by your olive tree directly at home.

What does adoption include:

  • Adoption Certificate / Gift
  • 2 5l cans or 12 500ml bottles per olive tree of the chosen farm's cultivar;
  • Free visit to the company (upon prior notice) with tasting of the various products;
  • 10% discount on our products;
  • Periodic photos of the state of the plant.


Our project

It is valid for one year and upon expiration it can be renewed with a new fee.

The Quota

The annual membership fee is €150.00, which will be paid upon subscription by bank transfer in favor of the Leone Sabino Agricultural Company BANCA CREDEM BRANCH OF CANOSA DI PUGLIA IBAN code: IT51W0303241400010000005700 – SWIFT CODE (BIC): BACRIT21874 reason:
“Adopt an olive tree” or with immediate payment by credit card / Paypal.


Participation in the project entitles you to the following:

• 2 5l cans or 12 500ml bottles per olive tree of the chosen farm's cultivar;
• Free visit to the company (upon prior notice) with tasting of the various products;
• 10% discount on our products;
• Periodic photos of the state of the plant.

Our project
The Quota